Secrets of the Moon
Secrets of the Moon
1995 - Unearthed Arcana [Demo]
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1997 - Vanitas [Demo]
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1999-Auf Einer WanderungDurchGoldeneSpharen[Split]
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2001 - Stronghold of the Inviolables
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2002 - Black Metal Endsieg III [3 Way Split]
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2002 - De Musica Mundana [Compilation]
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2004 - Carved In Stigmata Wounds
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2005 - The Exhibitions [EP]
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2007 - Antithesis
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2009 - Privilegivm
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2010 - Them Bones/This Inner Soil [EP]
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2010 - The Ambience of a Dead Star [EP]
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2011 - Warhead [EP]
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2013 - Seven Bells
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2015 - SUN
7 файлов
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