The five piece rock band known as The Scenic came into its current existence in January of 2008. With...
The five piece rock band known as The Scenic came into its current existence in January of 2008. With only 3 demos and a handful of shows under their belt, Victory Records quickly took notice of the The Scenic’s brand of pop-rock and signed the group in March of 2008... ..The Scenic enlisted the help of producer Mike Watts (the Almost, As Tall As Lions, The Deer Hunter) to record their debut album in the Spring of 2008. The collaboration resulted in 12 addictive and poppy sing along anthems that made “Find Yourself Here” as well as a music video produced by Barry Sonders(Mae, Bayside) for the lead single “The American Way”... ..A year of relentless touring followed with the band amassing over 250 shows across the entire US including winning the Ernie Ball 2008 battle of the bands and playing a week of Warped Tour on the Kevin Says Stage in 2009